2020 New Year’s Resolutions

It’s actually been several years since I contemplated resolutions for a new year in any serious way. As I said, though, the fact that we’ve started a new decade makes this more meaningful than other new year’s. And yes, given that January is nearly over, I’m definitely late to write these down, but I’ve been thinking about them for a while. I wanted to be intentional about them, I suppose, because marking significant points in time is important. We’re prone to forget, after all.

When blogging was in its prime…I fondly we remember those days…this is the sort of thing that we would post. I think the motivation is to just put it out there, to say “this is what I’m hoping to accomplish so keep me accountable.

Of course, I’d love to hear yours, as well.

In a nutshell, I want to work less and focus more on what’s really important this year, because I feel as though my priorities have been inverted. My faith, my family, and creative pursuits are going to receive more focus this year. So, here they are:

  1. Finish that novel. I started it long, long ago…and was nearly finished with the rough draft when our oldest daughter was just born. I plan to have it as close to finished as possible this year.
  2. Spend less time working and more time with my family. The kiddos are showing signs of not getting enough of me. I remember so fondly when our oldest was young, the time that I dedicated to spending with her and so carefully preserved. That’s slipped in the last few years, and I’ve never found a similar way to connect with our youngest. I hope to rectify that this year.
  3. Place my faith first. I’ve come to the epiphany that I turn to God after attempting to resolve difficult situations myself. I want to discipline myself to turn this around this year.

Speaking of epiphanies, Karen and I realized that my favorite color is actually grey. That’s a different story, though.

I hope that your new year is prosperous.


  1. These are good resolutions. I, too, strive to put faith first. To turn to my Father before I turn to self, or anything else that may draw my attention, which is a constant effort for me. (An observation, which is NOT a criticism, is that you listed placing faith first as third in your list.) I do hope that you complete your novel and fulfill that dream. And, thank you for visiting my blog today.

    1. Your observation is completely on, and I actually noticed it as I was writing this. I considered editing, but did not. Perhaps that’s telling of the depth of what I need to fix…

      Thanks for reading!

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