Missing the Definition

Friday, a U.S. District Judge ruled that an Oklahoma county courthouse was not in violation of the Constitution by displaying a monument of historical artifacts, which included tributes to veterans, Native American tribes, the Mayflower Compact, and (insert gasp and horrified look here) the Ten Commandments. This judge ruled that this monument did not promote Christianity at the expense of other religions. The ACLU, of course, is talking appeal.

This trainwreck just keeps going, doesn’t it? A misconception perpetuated by stupidity, ignorance, and intolerance that is carefully disguised as tolerance.

After all, isn’t that the core of this whole issue? Those with too much time on their hands, like the ACLU, have decided that Christianity is a faith of intolerant bigots who like to persecute those of other faiths. Ironically, I find that what is promoted here is tolerance and respect of any faith, except Christianity. Because the ACLU, and those like them, are full of empty rhetoric, much sound and fury signifying nothing. In fact, the ACLU’s attorney for this particular case, said that “the court’s decision really represents a loss for religious freedom.” How exactly is that, again? How exactly has faith lost its freedom of expression here?

A myth that I see perpetuated here is that the root of all bigotry and intolerance is Christianity. Granted, Christians say and do a lot of stupid things. However, just as all members of the Islamic faith shouldn’t be judged by a few homicidal maniacs who kill in the name of their religion, all Christians shouldn’t be judged by a few impulsive windbags who get on television and say ignorant things. Christ-followers are not the root of intolerance, but rather victims of it, the same as every other faith in an American culture that claims a desire to flee from faith while embracing it in secret. The irony here is that this wasn’t even a religious expression at this courthouse…it was an historical one. And yet, the ACLU wants to proclaim that religious freedom has suffered a blow. From an historical display. One more opportunity to scapegoat the intolerance they preach.

Tolerance. The theme of our generation, and of our culture.

It seems to me that, if tolerance is what we are aiming to achieve, then a great deal would stand to be gained if the ACLU would just shut up and go away.

Oops. Did that sound intolerant?

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